USSA Child Wish 2023
The Port Washington Lions Club (PWLC) members had the honor to provide lunch on Saturday, June 17, 2023, after a great day of fishing on Lake Michigan with volunteer charters, captains, and all those who attended. The stories were incredible, and the smiles seen, and pictures taken captured the incredible memories that were made that day. PWLC’s Lion Stephanie and her husband Luke were just one of the boats out that volunteered their time and resources to this great event.
United Special Sportsman Alliance, Inc. (USSA) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit ‘dream wish’ granting charity, that specializes in sending critically ill and disabled youth and disabled veterans on the FREE outdoor adventure of their dreams. USSA Adventures give youth and veterans something to look forward to and helps sustain them in their time of need. Families have been whisked away from the mundane, man-made world of hospitals, and high medical bills by giving them a place of peace to focus on the quality of life, family ties, and the wonders of our natural world.
To learn more about USSA visit